Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment

The Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program allows individuals to obtain citizenship and a passport by making an investment in one of several approved options, such as a government donation, real estate purchase, or investment in a government-approved enterprise.

The amount of investment required varies depending on the option chosen, but generally starts at just $100,000

With the Saint Lucian citizenship, which includes a passport that allows for visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to more than 147 countries, including the European Union, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and Singapore.


  • Age: Main applicant must be at least 18 years of age or over.
  • Investment in an approved project: The applicant must make a qualifying investment in an approved real estate development or in an approved enterprise project.
  • Due diligence: The applicant and their dependents must undergo a due diligence process, which includes background checks and vetting by the government of Saint Lucia.
  • Application form: The applicant must complete and submit the relevant citizenship by investment application form.


The Saint Lucia Passport is ranked 32nd globally.
Citizenship and passport: which allows for visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to more than 147 countries.
Investment opportunities: The program offers several investment options, such as a government donation, real estate purchase, or investment in a government-approved enterprise.
Family inclusion: The program allows for the inclusion of family members, such as spouses, children, and dependent parents, in the citizenship and passport application.
Safety and security: Saint Lucia is considered a relatively safe and stable country, with a low crime rate and a strong economy.


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